What can I eat for lunch that'll get rid of my hangover?!
Answers: It's not that bad, but just enough that I have a dull headache, and slightly upset stomach. My husband's taking me to lunch, so what's good?
Food that makes you confortable usually helps, but scientifically a hang over is a dehydration of the body. Think about this: Rubbing alcohol evaporates very quickly, and if you add it to water it boils and evaporates much quicker than usual. Rubbing alcohol is very very similar to the alcohol that we drink, and it does the same thing in our bodies. Drink a few glasses of nice, cool water. Aspirin doesn't really work, the reason people says it does is because they drink it with a full glass of water (dehydration is the no. 1 headache cause, and aspirin does help a headache, but the water usually helps most people more). Whatever you do, do not have another drink of booze! Trust me on this, you will feel slightly better at first, because thats what it does to your brain, but when that slight buzz goes away you are still hungover and now you have been brought down from a high. Drink water, not pop. Pop contains caffeine, a dehydrator second only to Alcohol. Then eat whatever makes you feel confortable, whether it be heavy, or light. Speaking from experience a salad with many greens also helps to hydrate you, and the antioxidants in green vegetables help you use your water supply better. Broccoli is amazing for that!
macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, country fried steak...
or biscuits and gravy, hash browns, and eggs
or pizza
or a nice greasy cheeseburger and fries...
Something greasy with cheese related things included. Lots of protein.
LOL! Doesnt sound good at the time, but if you can find a place with a big greasy double cheeseburger, it does the trick. And when you do it once you will be recommending it to your friends for the hangover cure! :)~ You need the grease to coat your stomach!
Menudo, chilaquiles, or just drink a cold gatorade lemon only.
Eat an Apple and take a vitamin. The apple will calm the stomach and the vitamin will replenish the vitamins that the alcohol depleted (mainly Bs).
i dont really think food is going to make you feel better. my boyfriend usually eats a good breakfast and downs a whole glass of milk. he thinks the milk does something for him. alot of ppl i know says when you get up drink one beer and your hangover free. but as for food if your stomach is upset i wouldnt do spicy or heavy (in fat) foods. it seems to me it would make your stomach more upset. good luck
Tacos always make me feel better after a night of drinking.
Bread with lots of butter, home fried potatoes, and a beer.....
A big greasy burger with lots of everything, fries and a shake
greasy cheesburger, fries, and LOT's of liquids...water is best, but caffeine (fountain drinks) will help with pain meds like advil or aspirin for your headache.
bloody mary always does me right.
Something greasy and full of protein. A big hamburger or some chicken or beef fajitas or enchiladas usually do the trick.
If you can get ahold of some wheatgrass juice or some carrot or orange juice, try that as well.
I really reccommed the Mexican food, and eat lots of salsa. The lycopene in the tomatos will help a lot.
Take some vitamins (esp Vit. B12 and Vit. C), some excedrin, and drink water like it's going out of style. At lunch, try to suck down as much water as you can.
Something savoury like a mince pie of a couple of sausage rolls.
thats what u get for drinking!