Ok who wants the cookie??!
Answers: best reason for wanting the cookie gets the all mighty *10*
I want the cookie! I hve no food at home. I need it or I will starver. *Gives you half-starved look and puppy eyes*
i want the cookie! i have five hungry pets to feed. that is 20 legs total not including the humans. give the pups the cookie!!!!!!!!!!
yes, so tat i can give tat to orphans
It depends on what kind of cookie...But if I got one, I would cherish and love it like my own kin...so please can I have the cookie?
I love cookies. I have an anorexia and that's the only food aside from crackers I eat everyday.
My cookie ran away and its never coming back
I am against President Bush. He sucks.
i would marry your cookie then reproduce with it and make thousands aof small cookies and solve world hunger!
I want the cookie because the dog next door almost ate my Cockatiel and he needs it to give him energy to fly to the nearest vet in India but it will cost him so I need to sell the crumbs for $2 so the vet fee can be paid.