Can you name all the foods with complex carbs and "plain" carbs..?!
Answers: also why and how they are different...?
Let me explain it this way.
Eat brown rice. Make sure your flour products are whole grain. Whole grains stay present and feel filling longer in your body and your body uses more energy to break them down. During this longer stay in your intestines the body can work to pull out the B vitamins (they have in abundance) you need. *Oat bran, for example, clears plaque out of arteries just like dragging a rope through a hose will clean it. The body never completely breaks down oatbran. It remains fibrous and useful for lowering cholesterol -in fact all the relatively newer perscription cholesteral lowering medications are essentially... oat bran.
White flour products and sugar are the simplest carbs out there, they leave a sludge and temporaily fill a hole in your stomach. They offer near zero value in nutritional replacement, and they run through your system so quickly you are hungry again soon. Your intestines can pull no nourishment out of these products because the only nourishment returned is a small amount of SYNTHETIC vitamins (Vitamin Enriched) that is replaced after the NATURAL vitamins are removed and sold over the counter as VITAMINS
They don't call bread the staff of life for nothing. The ingredients in the heart of any grain are predominantly a family of B Vitamins not found plentifully anywhere else. They are extremely necessary to nourish a body and prevent everything from malnutrition to insanity.
Years ago flour was milled using stone on stone grinders. Everybody made their own bread anyway the point being the "heart" of the grain was included in the finished product. Then came WW2 and soldiers needed grain shipped overseas. The MILLING PROCESS OF GRAINS CHANGED.
Grains stored in silos overseas spoiled quickly and the rats ate it and it became a problem. I forget what nincompoop invented the new mill but the process stripped the heart of the grain away. Not only did the rats not eat the new flour but it lasted indefinitely in the silos. Problem solved. That is until the soldiers started rapidly dying and no one could pinpoint why.
That is when VITAMINS were first discovered and put into widespread production.
It was quickly realized the heart of the grain had VITAL life sustaining properties, hence the name vitamins.
Now you might think they just reverted back to the old milling process but that is not what happened.
The heart of the grain(that which makes it complex) was (and still is) marketed and sold for it's life sustaining properties as a totally new product..."vitamins" .
The missing nutrients in the flour were (guessed at and then) replaced with man made synthetic versions of the vitamins that are removed because they are CHEAPER TO PRODUCE.
That is why you see the word ENRICHED on flour products. You are led to believe you are getting added nutrients when you are getting almost nothing. Many believe the synthetics are not adequatly replacing what is removed and this eventually leads to a system clogged with disease.
Instead of ENRICHED these products should say..."We took all the naturally occurring nutrients out of this product and sold them to another company because they are so effective as vitamins, and we made a bundle...Then we purchased cheaper synthetic man made versions of these vitamins and ENRICHED our product with them just so eating this bread product exclusively won't actually kill you"
Eat real food.
Diabetics are warned away from corn and carrots because these are considered simple carb foods and they will raise your sugar too quickly. I don't think these two can harm you if they are the simplest carbs in your diet. The "consumer health/dietary groups" do this so you are encouraged to eat the whole range of money making "man made diabetic foods" exclusively marketed for those afflicted. Teaching real life sustaining nutrition would effectively put out of business General Mills, General Foods, Kraft, Nabisco and many others just now trying to play catch-up...this is a lot of employees.
Don't touch the man made crap. If it has more than five ingredients put it back. Buy wheat germ, oat bran and lecithin and add it back to all your flour products yourself!
Hope this helps you make good choices.
All the foods?
Let me get back to you in about a year on that.
I can't name ALL the foods - but below is a guideline:
Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and are usually packed with fibre/fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are also usually in their un-processed/minimally processed state. Examples include vegetables, brown breads, cereals - such as brown rice, legumes and pasta.
Simple or "plain" carbohydrates are digested quickly and give you a surge of energy. Many simple carbohydrates contain refined sugar and a few essential vitamins and minerals - fruit juice, milk, yoghurt, honey, molasses and sugar.
I can not name them but I searched for you and this is what I found, I hope it helps and let me know if there is anything else you need!
Foods with complex carbs and "plain" carbs
What is the difference between foods with complex carbs and plain carbs