How long will a cut up apple last?!
I know if you put lemon juice on it, it will stay better for longer, but how long?
Is there a common food that will prevent the apple from turning brown for longer than a lemon will?
Answers: before it starts to get brown and disgusting?
I know if you put lemon juice on it, it will stay better for longer, but how long?
Is there a common food that will prevent the apple from turning brown for longer than a lemon will?
Enzymes in light colored fruits such as apples, pears and peaches can cause oxidative browning as soon as the fruit is peeled or cut. The kind of apple and other conditions change the time frame from minutes to hours. I've found that a cortland apple stays white or oxidizes at a slower rate than any others I've cut into. There is a product called ascorbic acid powder that will also slow the process.
why cant you put it in a container
in 24 hours
hehehe my sister did a science fair project on this well, its just lemon juice but i wouldnt eat it.
Try salt water... it works well, but Never tested for how long it will last...
I "soak" the diced apple in salt water (for a short while) before I made the salad, it look very much the same to me even the next day
try pineapple or another acidic food
well my guess is 10 min, but you can also put it in salt also depends how much air the apples are getting...cause something about oxynezation....thats what my parents said...
Can you seal it up in some plastic wrap of some sort? That's what I do, and if I get it tightly sealed, then it lasts about a week.
Otherwise, it's lemon juice, that's all I know.
put it in the fridge...
depends on what level of disgusting you mean i think it takes less then an hour for it just to start browning when out in the open
Adding lemon juice (or any citric acid) will keep it from browning for up to a day and a half. Keeping it in an airtight container in the fridge will make it last even longer. Citric juices are the preferred method because the flavor complements the apple. Other things would work, i.e. vinegar, but it would taste terrible. I suggest cutting the apple as close to serving time as possible.
soak it in water
Fruit is the harder object to deal with! Veggies are easier! Due to the percent of sugar! Want more ask! I can provide!