Like you keep your veggies in the fridge??!
Answers: Of course, it keeps them fresher for longer
Yes, definitely - more likely to go off otherwise...
yes and me fruit
i just let them rot on the vegetable rack
where else do you keep them?
Yes, it keeps them fresher longer not to mention good and cold :)
Some but not onions
Yes, I most certainly do.
depends which veggies. Lettuce, greens, asparagus- definitely.
Onions, garlic, tomatoes,squash, and peppers-never. If they get under 50 degrees Fahrenheit, they lose most of their flavor.
Yeah, they seem crisper and fresher that way.
Yes, definitely.
Potatoes I keep out in the garden in a black bin liner so that they are cold and in the dark. Not enough room in the fridge.
Fruit stays in the porch because that's the coldest place in the house.
If I'm going to be lazy and wait a while to eat them. It's better and they are more flavorful if you have them fresh, unrefrigerated. I don't refrigerate fruit, except for lemons and limes I intend to use for the juice.
Yes...they stay fresher for longer.
yes i do!
NO. I buy them as I want to use them every single day.
FRESH IS BEST.................X
My fridge isn't big enough, most veg is either on a wire rack in the larder, or prepared and frozen. I only keep some salad things in the fridge, if there's space.
Yes, they stay fresher for longer if you do
Yes but NO Onions or Potatoes