I can't eat?!
Answers: I haven't eaten anything for 3 days, and don't want to , What shall I do !?
smoke weed and listen to pink floyd
eat something because if you go too long without eating you will die
Oh my hips would love to have your problem. ;)
If you are serious, why can't you eat?
its prolly because you're sick or some thing, but you need 2 eat some thing, seriously, even if you dont want to.
The question is...why can't you eat? sick? stressed out? You should force yourself to eat a little something. Yogurt maybe, pudding, toast, v8, fruit....something. You will or can end up passing out and that would not be a very good thing. Especially if you are out in public or driving a car.
go to a doctor.....there is something wrong whether you are aware of it or not.....at the bare minimum please drink water...milk is better because it at least has calories and protein etc to sustain you without food in your system.....
hope you feel better
and get help asap
Start to eat again or else you will get very ill and get hospitalised.
You need to see your doctor, depression, illness, etc. can decrease your appetite, only your Dr. can decide a course of treatment.
Not too long ago, I was in your exact same solution. But make sure you force yourself to eat the equivalent of at least one meal by the end of each day, no matter no much you don't want to.
Well the only time I can remember not eating for 3 days is when my brother passed it was like a piece of me died also. But the smell of eggs, bacon & grits got me to eat a little bit. So little by little I began to eat. So maybe you should go smell some food that smells really good and eat little by little. Hope this helps.
Try to eat a little of something. You really will make yourself poorly.
How about a round of toast with a few baked beanz or lightly scrambled egg and a piece of fruit?
Please drink water or juice or lemonade, it's dangerous to de- hydrate.
Look after YOU and find some one to have a chat with who you can confide in.
Good luck to you...............xxxxxxxxxx
just eat
Go to the doctor's office and get checked or to the ER.
You better eat! If you don't you will become anorexic!And get in the hospital!
You "shall" eat! LOL! Y R U ASKING US??? if you want to eat then go to the fridge! Take out some food! And put it in your mouth! OK?LOL