Why so many asian countries have many different kind of fruits american don't have?!
Answers: (im tire of eating same fruit everyday).
Basically different climate & soil conditions. As one person pointed out, even in 4-season temperate countries like Japan (China, Korea etc) 'Western' fruits like apples, oranges, grapes, strawberries have different varieties and taste.
As for the Asian countries further down south like in South East Asia, I think the all year round warm & wet climate close to the Equator is a major factor in producing fruits which are also different from the rest of Asia.
Despite the global market these days, the delicate nature of some fruits mean that Americans & others don't get to enjoy the same wide spectrum of fruits in Asia or the same fresh quality. Some fruits just don't travel well, including the controversial durian, so you can only see poor specimens overseas, even in the Asian grocery stores. Some only come in cans, which is day & night when compared to the fresh fruit.
If you're sick of eating the same stuff daily, simply pop over to your nearest Asian store or Chinatown to investigate any unfamiliar fruits and ask questions before you buy. Major supermarket chains may also be bringing in more exotic stuff these days.
But the best thing is still to go to Asia in person and be adventurous enough to browse through the local markets, you'll be blown away by the riot of color, amazed at the variety, overwhelmed by the intoxicating fragrance all around you of fresh tropical fruits, and almost faint, when you bite into the fresh fruit, at the sheer delight of exotic sweet juices exploding in your mouth & making your tastebuds send frenzied messages to your brain, "Danger! System Overload! Sugar High! Gonna Fly!".
bcse they have different climates then we do. somethings aren't allowed to be grown here bcse of disease and germs
somethings just haven't caught on here.
if you go to asian food markets you often find things not in supermarkets.
i have found lots of interesting things at a local food market here that you don't see in regular stores.
i try to buy new things often to try them out to see if i like them
Because the Asian continent covers a more diverse climatology than the US. Many Asian countries have tropic or sub tropic climates that allow them to grow more exotic kinds of fruit.
If you have a Whole Foods or Wild Oats, you may be able to find other types of fruit that your standard grocery doesn't carry.
We also have fruits that are not common in their markets either. I don't think they are more diverse in their fruit diets. I believe they are just different.
They are half-way around the world and have have a different ecosystem.
because its different parts of the world.
its like asking,
how come you dont find polar bears in florida?
We basicly have the same fruits as asian contries, I've been to Japan before, there fruit is way better than here in america's. Lets take, Grapes, there Grapes arn't sour, and there really big, they also have small ones, but I'm telling you, Japan has way better fruit than us!