If General Colin Powell endorsed a high-fiber cereal called "Colon POW!," would you eat it? If so, how?!
(you'll have to remove the space before '.com' in the below link, because Yahoo Answers wouldn't let me just post the link. I guess we know who won't be eating it...
http://i222.photobucket. com/albums/dd90/kosstheory/colonpow.jpg
Answers: I'd eat it. I'd eat it dry in my scivies!
(you'll have to remove the space before '.com' in the below link, because Yahoo Answers wouldn't let me just post the link. I guess we know who won't be eating it...
http://i222.photobucket. com/albums/dd90/kosstheory/colonpow.jpg
No, I wouldn't eat it, sorry
LMAO! I would have to pass on the Colon Pow's. Sounds a little dangerous to me.
Only if it was recommended by Colon Cancer Society of America. Otherwise, I'd walk on the other side of the isle at the store and avoid eye contact with it.
VERY carefully!