How much money would I save if I had my own chicken fed it and then ate it? Compared to store bought chicken?!
Answers: Also what are gizzards
If you raise more than just one chicken you could save yourself quite a bit of money. For one thing, you would also get eggs while waiting for the chickens to fatten up and then the chickens themselves. This is the first year we haven't had any chickens in several years. The gizzards are in the chickens throats I believe and what it does is grind up the foods so it can be digested. Gizzards are good eating, but you need to cut them open and clean them out cause chickens often swallow rocks and glass to help the grinding action.
PS another good thing about raising chickens is they will keep down the insects in your yard if you allow them to be free range as we did.
I don't think you would save anything by the time you fattened it up. Best buy it ready for the pot.
You would not save money at all. You would lose money!
The chicken feed will cost you more than the chicken
Gizzards are the organs of the chicken.. By the time you buy the chook, raise it, fed it, shelter it, kill it, pluck it and cook it you could have bought a dozen chickens from the supermarket :)
You will not save but, you will eat good chicken meat
u would have to raise several at the same time to come out ahead. U would end up with a better tasting bird and healthier also. The gizzard is a muscle used to grind the grain they eat before it gets to the stomach.
You would have to rear at least 25 at a time before you started to notice any savings at all.
But, You would not be eating meat that has spent its entire lifetime living in its own ammonia soaked mess & being fed a highly un-natural rapid growth chemicaly formulated feedstuff.
And you'd also know, that at time of slaughter, the birds you raised WERE safe to be in the food chain.
No idea but you'll have great fun keeping chickens and you know what you've fed them with as well as getting some nice eggs. You can buy igloo chicken coops complete with chickens mail order these days.