Is gatorade bad for you if you drink it everyday?!
Answers: i drink gatorade like it is going out of style.. but i feel great i guess it is better then coffee/ tea and also better then sodapop.
Since it does not contain too many calories (50 per bottle),has no fat,very little sugar,and is mostly water I don't see that it could be badfor you as long as you are physically active at least three times a week,including walking.
It's fine
no, but drink water too...........
It won't hurt you, as long as you are active. But like everything in moderation okay? lol
its good for you actually cause it has some vitamins and what not that water doesnt have but i think vitamin water is probably more healthy then gatorade but its good for you and wont hurt you
It's glucose content isn't the best for you if you happen to be diabetic. If you're not, I don't see the issue.
So far EVERONE'S answer is wrong. Yes it is bad for you. It containes electrolytes (mostly salt) that your body needs if you are an athlete competing in intense sporting events. If that is not the case and you drink it while laying around on the couch you could be setting yourself up for high blood pressure and diabetes in the near future as well as taxing your kidneys and bladder. Sports drinks and the newest killer in this country and are making non-athletes fatter and fatter every day. 50 calories for a small cup of gatorade could mean you have 400 or 500 unnecessary calories of it per day if you drink a lot of it.
its good but propel is better