How bad actually is pop/soda for your body?!
Answers: It is by no means good for you, but can be safely enjoyed in moderation, as can most things. Soda is loaded with sugars and caffeine that can wreak havoc on your heart and lead to obesity if too much is consumed. For this reason it is equated to liquid candy by many nutritionists and is generally recommended to be avoided. The damage it can cause really depends on how much you drink. A can every day or two will probably not cause any problems, but if you are guzzling down a 6 or 12 pack a day, you will probably have cardiovascular and/ or weight management problems within a couple years.
CocaCola is a very popular cleanser.
A bottle of coke can remove rust from a car
Unclog your drains
Remove oil stains
Corrode metal if submerged for a week.
Think, if a bottle of coke can do that... imagine what it would do to your tummy.
Pop is really bad for your teeth, they will rott your teeth out before your 50. SO I suggest you drink it through a straw along with juices. That will keep you teeth pretty healthy.
Well its loaded with either sugar, sweeteners and gas! it bloats u up.....after time, gives u a swollen stomach....and also ruins ur teeth. And thats just for starters.
It can ruin your teeth.
Most sodas/pops also usually have high amounts of high fructose corn syrup, which is a highly unhealthy, cheap alternative to sugar. That gooey stuff can do a total on your body.
the sugar is bad for ur teeth and ur bones and the gas in soda can rot ur stomach better with water or milk
its pretty bad. loads of caffeine, sugar, and other artifical flavors aren't exactly good for your body. if you drink too much it actually causes your body to suck calcium out of your bones to even the ratio of calcium to phosphorus. not good
it depends on the kind but it is different for every kind of drink
i use it to clean off the acid build up on my car battery......nuff said.
your brain will be low,,,,,,,,,,,,,*and your IQ going down*
caramel color is really bad for your digestive system. Chronic drinking of carbonated beverages has been shown to weaken your bones. A can of regular soda daily can lead to 15 pounds of weight gain over a year.