Do you like lima beans? With butter, of course!?!
Answers: I love lima beans, especially baby limas, with lots of butter, salt and pepper. Yummy - one of my favorite vegetables.
I actually HATE lima beans, i don't know if its the taste or the fact that i don't like beans.
So to answer you question, butter or coarse, i would say none :)
Yeh..lima beans r okaayy
they aren't that bad and they r better wid butter...
i would eat lima beans if i had to
NO WAY THEY R NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm from the southern US so we usually say "butter beans" which are the baby lima beans (a bit smaller, more tender, and yellowish vs. green).
Yes, I like them - I usually season them with more than butter though.
I hate lima beans too. I used to buy those frozen mixed veggie packs, loved all the veggies EXCEPT the lima beans.
I like lima beans just because they don't taste like anything to me, just basically something mushy. :-)