Popular Gum?!
Answers: i'm selling gum at school but i want to sell even more. i wanted to know what gum your friends and people you know like best, so i can know which gum to buy.
First off, I love your entrepreneurial spirit! That's awesome man! My favorite is Trident Splash in the Strawberry Lime flavor. I know my cousin chews it too. And everytime I bring it out in class the whole pack ends up getting gone because I share it.
My favorite is Orbit!! I prefer the Bubblemint, but they have all around good flavors.. the best part is, it's Sugar-Free, and the Flavor lasts a super-duper long time!
I like Orbit, Ice Breakers Gum, Juicy Fruit, Trident, and Big Red. Those are basically the ones I always have. :]
I like the mint gum. Stride, Dentyne Ice, or Trydent.
5 gum is the way to go their FLARE flavor is the best
Stride is the best all of my freinds and i ? it