Do you throw out food that hasn't been use by the best before date or do you still use it after the date?!
Answers: I don't. Once the date is past I don't use it.
if it is in the fridge hun, but if it is in the freezer then no, i will buy stuff that is out of date on the day and put it straight in the freezer, and use it later, still perfectly ok
Odd times I do
Do not use anything passed the sell by date
I still eat food that has gone over date. I sometimes eat bread a couple of days after. Its just a guide date really.
I use my nose and my eyes. I have used food far beyond the date on the packet with no ill effects
i had some yoghurt this morning which went out of date at the end of last week- still here at the moment............
The best b 4 date is only a recommendation,i have eaten food past its date by up to a week with no problems.
Depends on what it is.
You can tell when things like fruit and veg are off you can completly ignore the best before dates on that.
Best thing to do is use by dates throw away after the dates and best before smell and look at the item and decide for yourself!
Sometimes but it depends what it is. If it's meat then I smell it first, you can always tell if meat has gone off! Food producers tend to cover themselves somewhat with sell by dates so you may find that a product is still edible a day or two after they recommend. I either use my nose to smell it or I taste a tiny amount and if it doesn't taste right, I bin it!
'Best Before' just means it's not as good after the date but still OK.
You must throw out items marked 'Use By' after the printed date.
yes we do the date really is only a guide, and best before , we never used to have dates on things and it never done us any harm, the only thing I'm weary of is meat , if that goes passed the date i give it to the dogs, so they end up getting some good meals
Only a day after then it goes, I try not to buy food that won`t get eaten in time.
Always chuck it out wasteful i know.
Their is a difference between best before and use by date. The best before date is advisory and after this date the product will start to go off but is still perfectly edible.
I try to use it up before at least 3 days its sell by date if its hard stuff i give it to the birds,my family and i have been pretty lucky so far we have never had food poisoning yet and we are making sure it stays that way.
not meat, too risky. but bread and stuff like that, yes.
Those dates are put there in order that you as a customer has no grounds for a law suit due to eating old food. These dates are so generous so that there is not the slimmest chance of eating it when contaminated or mouldy. I regularly eat out of date food and in fact there is an organisation that regularly raids supermarket skips to recover such food. They throw it out if unsold on the due date. This organisation distributes this reclaim to deserving people and to date there has not been any illness as a result. Use your nose and eyes more and you will be surprised just how long certain foods last. One known problem food is Organic Bread. It has no preservers in it and especially in humid weather it will go off very quickly. You actually get a layer of green mould on but then again the eyes will sort this one out.
do these 4 things. look,smell,feel,taste it test.
your going to have to see loz for our answer, shes the boss when it comes to food and the kitchen, im just the mug that pays out each time she shops
It depends if it is fresh. I would have something canned or say chocolate after the date but not something like milk.
best before dates are not a guide,if this was the case:-
1.How would you know when the food was manufactured/packed? How long the supermarket or store had stored it?
2. There is also a significant difference between use by/best before dates. If the food has a use by date, this is for a short period of time and apply to foods such as eggs,cheese, items which are perishable. OIn no accounts should you keep these foods after there use by date,these foods esp milk are high risk. Best before,however, covers tins,packets etc and should be consumed within,or very shortly after the date shown
Hope this helps!
It really depends what it is. If something has a Use By Date it usually means it will "go off" after that date and shouldn't be used so I don't use it after that date (e.g. milk, yoghurt)
If something has a Best Before date it usually means that it won't be of such a good quality after that date. With these items I use my own judgement (well, my wife's judgement to be honest!)
I have seen Best Before dates or "once opened use within 4 weeks" on pickled items that should last for years! Again, with these I use my wife's judgement.
Once I see the date getting close I am watching out for it. I don't use food after the date.
no u shouldn't eat stuff out of date.
especially the bakery and the poultry items.
I still use it. Passed its best before doesn't mean it has spoiled. Tinned stuff is still okay to eat many years passed its best before date. I hate throwing food away, such a waste.
It depends on the food. Some hold on longer other go bad before the date so it's your call.
The best before date is usually a recomendation and often it's a wild guess. Besides I think you yourself are usually the best jude to consider whether or not a certain item of food is no longer palatable (smell, colour, mould,...)
No, by law there has to have a date, just smell the food, if it smells ok then use it, too much food is being wasted because of the sell by dates and use by dates on products, if you bought some fresh meat without a sell by date you would eat it if it smelled ok
At least take a bite, and then throw away. Businesses cover themselves hansomely so that they won't run in to too many problems. Although in the case of something really natural (undergone little processing) like organic cream that says use-before and I'm looking at it a week later, I might deliberate a little on that.
If it is a Use By date, then I won't touch it. But the Best Before dates are different - that is only really a guide. The product should still be edible for a reasonable time afterwards but may not be quite as good as it was originally. So if the product is a day or two over the date, then it should be OK.
What amuses me about dates on things is fruit and veg. Just because there is a wrapper on them, there has to be a date. The amount of waste that goes on due to this must be enormous - I remember working in a store and there were heaps of bags of oranges that couldn't be sold as they were past the date, even though there was nothing wrong with the fruit. They were meant to go through as waste! Unbelievable!