WHAT IS THE EASIEST WAY TO CHOP onions.... without crying????!
Answers: dont laugh... i wear swimming goggles... works everytime!!!
Cutting Onions.
Use a very sharp knife, and slice, don't chop, or just push your knife down through them.
You could put them in the fridge for an hour.
Running under cold water will take some of the sharpness away, and it is an ideal way to tone them down if you wish to use them uncooked in a salad.
i heard that wearing sunglasses helps
put it in the freezer for 20 minutes before you chop it.
Well I run mine under water, before I cut them, and after. Then I cut quickly, and I never cry. Plus try to not get too close.
I light a candle and keep it very close to where i'm chopping the onions. The gas released from the onion is sucked into the flame and burned, thus keeping it away from the eyes.
Don't believe me? Try it.
Get someone else to chop them for you
Chewing chewinggum helps, apparently. :/
Help answer my question if you want:
My Aunt doesn't cry when she puts another onion on her head while she cuts the other one
I got mine through Pampered Chef but you can buy it anywhere -- it's a plastic chopper. You cut the onion in a few chunks, then put the chopper down and keep pressing down on the handle and it chops it, without tears!
Use that chopper thing, I don't what it's called though, lol. But I think it's from Pampered Chef? You can chop other things in it too, like garlic, pickles, etc.
Doing it with a mouthful of water helps. Try it.
I put an oversized piece of bread in my mouth half in half out. The bread absorbs the fumes.
Buy sweet onions, you'll never cry again!
Chew gum, use a sharp knife and breathe through your mouth.
All the other answers which are excellent, with the addition of choosing your onions by type. Some are more known for making you tear than others.
I read years ago to cut off the top of the onion first and then the bottom. I have been doing it that way for 25 years and do not get teary.
i heard that if you open your mouth and leave it open then you dont cry. i also heard that if you slice the onion under cold water that you wont cry. im not sure if they work, but you could try.
Between your teeth hold the non-striking end of a match out of a matchbook. Supposedly the sulfur from the match does something to the fumes of the onion. ...an old wife's tale but I swear it works.
wearing contact lenses definitely works.
soak them in water for 5 mins.
Put them in the freezer for about ten to fifteen minutes.
MacGyver Tip
Refrigerate Onions for Tear-Free Chopping
You already know how to cut onions so they don't make your eyes tear, and it turns out there's something else you can do to avoid bawling while making dinner: refrigerate the onion for 30 minutes or chill it in ice water first. The latest issue of Popular Science (not online yet) explains that a volatile sulfur compound from the onion floats into your eyes to make them tear.
[The chill] slows down the action of [the onion's] trigger enzyme and saps some energy from the vegetable's volatile molecules.... It reduces the tendency for the sulfur compound to volatize.
hope this helps. good luck and enjoy.
Use a chopping apparatus sold in stores everywhere. One chop, done.
Here's a different solution.
Hold a wooden match not safety match) in your mouth. This is supposed to absorb the onion vapors. Keeping your mouth closed will help also.
Good Luck, Juju
If you notice, some of the answers posted had something to do with putting something in your mouth. I've tried putting a toothpick in my mouth to help keep it closed during the cutting process...it works. I don't think it has much to do with the toothpick as keeping your mouth shut as much as possible.
Try it...you have nothing to lose.
I always keep my onions in the fridge and they never make my eyes water.