What time do you serve dinner???!
Answers: usually whenever i get hungry.... i dont generally eat dinner so...... i cook when i get hungry..
Around 6-630 when ever my mum gets in from work.
I like to eat before 7:30 or 8:oo in the evening,otherwise I have even more trouble sleeping...
11:30 pm
5 45-6 pm whenever my husband gets home from work....
At 6.00. WHY??
Between 6.30-7pm. It has been medically proven it is much better for your digestive system and health to eat before 8pm :)
Supper is the evening meal for us. We have it around 6 or 6:30 PM.
"Dinner" is what we call a large mid-day meal, like roasted dinners on Sunday.
5 o clock
It can be anytime from 5.30 - 8.30 in our house!! usually around 7/8 though
between 6:30 p.m.-7 p.m.
It depends how long it takes to prepare, but I start preparing at 5pm.
Depends what shift I am working really, if I am on early shift we eat around 7pm, if I am on late shift we eat around 9pm.
Usually 6:15 pm, PT, USA
i would say around 7 or 7:30pm so that it will be well digested by the time you go to bed!
We generally eat between 1700 and 1800. When I was growing up, we at at 1830 because that is when we got home from sports practice.