Where can I buy Diet Dr Pepper Chocolate Cherry?!
Answers: I really want to try this; but can't find it; can anyone help?
Try calling their automated consumer phone line.
The number is 1-888-377-3773, and you can enter your zip code. It'll tell you if any retailers are available within 100 miles of your zip code.
Dr Pepper keeps its products to only a select number of cities/regions.
Try your local WalMart or larger grocery stores. IF they don't have it, ask a manager to order you some.
7-11. But if you can't find it, it may not be in your area yet. It took me two weeks to find one but it was delicious! Tastes like a cherry tootsie roll.
um wallgreens or ________wal-mart
You don't say where you are in your question,but if you're in the UK,it's not available.The Americans and Canadians always have more of a choice of drinks than we do in the UK which is sooooooo annoying,as some of them sound gorgeous and I love grape soda,but can't get that in the UK either
Go to Dr-pepper.com and check to see what stores are selling it.
Soda is bad for you and this cherry chocolate diet dr pepper is just their lame way of getting us the consumers to buy more soda because soda sales are down do to people becoming aware of how much they harm our bodies.....did you know that diet soda's actually cause you to gain weight?
check out the video link below.
Try pathmark or walmart