How long between popcorn popping in the microwave should somebody wait? 10 sec. =dark popcorn?!
Answers: Yet edible
In between popping? 10 seconds is way too long- it’ll burn. 3-4 seconds is the best time. The popcorn button on my microwave used to work really well- but you have to choose the size of the bag- now that the bags are 3.3oz instead of 3.5oz, I have to stand by it and get it out before some of the pieces burn. For me, if there’s just a few kernels that burn, the whole bag is ruined.
i would wait 10sec 20sec to be safe
for the most kernals to be popped you should wait until 4 seconds between each pop. its not too long but long enough to get almost all of them popped
No longer than 3-4 seconds, then take it out quick! :) Enjoy!