Do you have to wash fruit and veg before you eat it?!
What about organic fruit and veg? Does that have to be washed?
Answers: Why? What will happen if you don't?
What about organic fruit and veg? Does that have to be washed?
You should. They've been picked and handled in the store and on the truck.
Organic too has to be picked and handled.
I don't want to eat something that someone with dirty hands may have touched.
That spinach recall about a year ago was from the field hands crapping in the fields and wiping and not washing their hands, then picking the spinach--that is how ecoli got on it.
I would always wash before eating due to the pesticides and from the hands that picked the produce. You just never know.(Even If it's organic).
yes do u know haw many people have toushed them
lots of people touch then so they spread germs also chemicals are also sprayed on them so keep the fresh so plain and simple, yes wash them!
When you see a snot nosed kid touch every apple in the display you'll always wash your fruit and veggies. If its pesticides you're concerned with, even washing inorganic fruits and veggies wont get all of the pesticides off. The solution? Buy organic and wash it anyways.
You don't have to, but you should. Fruits and vegetables have been handled plus the fact that they may have been sprayed with pesticides.
Yes, you don't know what has touched it or who has touched it. The fruits and vegetables that are not organic have chemicals. Sometimes they have wax on them ect....
Omgosh I do. Everytime.
you dont have to, BUT think who picked it up last what did they do with there hands.
Before they got to the store where were they, what has climbed on them landed on them, or crawled across them??
No you DONT have to wash them!!
yes it is neccesary to do so freind ur beloved parents must be always asking u to do so so you shoild bcoz germs may be havin fun on it
thanks a lot good question
You should. But be careful. Many fruits act like sponges under water. So just wash these with a damp towel.
(i.e. Strawberries.)
Yes because it will rinse off the germs and pesticides that the friut and veg have on them. To be sanitary jsut rinse all of them.
Do you have to wash them? No. Should you? YES. The commercially grown stuff has been sprayed with pesticides, and you don't want those in your system. Organically grown produce is even worse because they use manure as fertilizer, so the chances of you getting an E. Coli infection (which can be LETHAL) are much higher. I read an article that said 40 people in the U.S. died of E. Coli from organic produce last year -- that's 40 too many in my mind...
Yes! You need to wash. Organic too! And washing doesn’t get rid of all the dirt, pesticides and other contaminants. I like to remove the wax from apples and cucumbers. There’s a fruit and veg spray- I spray that on, scrub a little with a brush and rinse. I started being real careful with washing foods when my son was a toddler and that habit has stayed with me.
I think it is a good habit. Lots of handling of fruits and veggies by a lot of different ppl before it gets to your home. Someone could have sneezed on it, it could have fallen on the floor, etc.
I always to. Remember many people be picking
them up & handling them so it's always good to wash them before eating it.
I do.
Every time!
Because of the pesticides that are sprayed on them to prevent bugs from ruining them before they reach the market, and also, they have been handled by many different people and machines........GERMS...big time.
Yes, I wash all fresh veggies & Fruit, With all the germ out
there & all the pesticides--you really shouldn't take a chance.
Your health is more important!
It's a very good idea to wash all fruits and veggies. Here's a good article on the subject from Colorado State University Extension Service