What are some good things to eat after you vomit?!
Answers: I've been puking all morning and i need to know what's good and what's not good to eat. Thank you!
Eating Tips to Help Manage Nausea and Vomiting
* Try eating small amounts of food often throughout the day. Eating even a small amount of food may actually help settle your stomach.
* Avoid skipping meals. It is important to eat and stay nourished. When you feel better, a high calorie, high protein supplement shake may help you replenish nutrients lost through vomiting. Ask your physician or dietitian if a supplement shake may be appropriate for you.
* Try to avoid eating your favorite foods when you are nauseated. This could cause you to be "turned off" by them later.
* Remember to chew foods slowly and thoroughly.
* Avoid lying down for at least two hours after eating. If you wish to rest, sit down. If you must lie down after eating, prop your head up at least four inches higher than your feet.
* Drink liquids 30 to 60 minutes before or after your meals. Avoid drinking liquids with your meals.
In order to find this, I googled "eating and nausea", which gave quite a few links to choose from. Below is the link I got the info from. Hope you feel better soon; if not, please call your doctor.
dry toast, or chicken soup!
Try crackers to settle your stomach or something with salt, make sure to drink allot of fluids like OJ or water.....
All I eat after I throw up is rye crackers. Don't try to drink so much right after. It's also ok not to eat for a little bit. You won't get dehydrated or sick from not eating for a few hours after you threw up.
If you throw up a lot and feel really weak, you might need to see a doctor.
crackers, dry toast if you can manage the energy to make it or jello, don't even have to wait for it to jell, just drink it. sprite ginger ale or 7 up
Put salt on your tongue. then eat salty foods. not too much of it.
I'm from the islands that's what we do.
eat toast, or anything to absorb the acids in ur stomach...also take some pepto bismol...that layers ur stomach and "holds things down"...hope u feel better soon
toast or crackers?
toast thats well done..never fails
gatorade,soup, broth, crackers,jello
Start with ice chips, if you keep that down, move up to some saltines and Sprite, if that stays down try some soup or toast.
Dry toast, you could put some jelly on if you wish, no butter, saltine crackers, chicken noodle soup and what ever else you think you can tolerate, gingerale. I hope you feel better soon!