What is the best brand for ice tea?!
Answers: i personally like tetley, but love some restaurant's tea that the waitress says is off brand
I agree - Tetley is the best. And most restaurants don't use instant tea...they have ice tea machines and brew it in large batches. I agree, restaurant ice tea is the best. And I love LOTS of fresh lemon wedges.
i think nestea lemon or peach
I like lipton's. I believe it's the best.
Sorry - don't like the stuff........x
Nestle's Nestea (lemon flavoured) is the best
Luzianna Is the Best Hands down.
either nestea or swiss
I like Lipton the best.
I love Arizona Sweet Tea. My absolute favorite.
Lipton is my favorite.=)
i think its lipton's
I would have to say lipton for best sweet tea. - florida.