What have you eaten for breakfast and lunch today?!
Answers: I have had... A pain au chocolat, one cup of tea, one quorn ham and salad sandwich, one portion of blueberries, and just about to eat an apple....
It is only 9:30 am so I just had breakfast today, which as yogurt with fresh blueberries and coffee.
I also have an apple, which i am planning on eathing shortly, I am getting hungry.
I am planning on having left over broccoli and tortellini for lunch, but that is a few hours away.
I just got up and am having my first cup of coffee. Haven't had anything to eat yet.
tapioca puddin' + coffee
It's only 8:30 AM here, so no lunch yet. I had a couple pieces of toast and some grapes for breakfast. I'll be making Ruben sammies for lunch later.
For breakfast I had porridge, pure orange juice and coffee
I've just had lunch which was leek and potato soup with some french stick, cheese and onion pringles, some grapes and now I'm just enjoying my strawberry flavoured milk.
I had a scrambled egg on double fiber toast with a cup of decaf and soy milk. It isn't time for lunch yet. Where'd you get blueberries?! I guess I'll go have a banana.
ah, here it is only 9 30 and fpr breakfast i had strawberry and creme oatmeal, and hot chocolate.
Well, I have had nothing 4 breakfast. I'll prob have a power bar & for lunch I'll prob have a protein shake =(..........I'm trying to lose the weight I gained during pregnancy, as you can tell!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!
A can of coke. Cheetos and a bag of famous amos cookies.
Fried mee and delicious 'teh tarik'
All I have had for the day is a can of pepsi and that will hold me till lunch and then have steak and eggs for lunch. And that will be all fot the day...
Nothing but coffee so far. Thanks for asking!!