I always eat my pop tarts cold, like big frosted cookies. Anyone else?!
Answers: OH GOD YES. They are alot better! I love you!
i eat most pop tarts cold too
keep eating pop tarts and before you know it you will be as big as a whale! HAHA
Yes, me too.
yeah right here
I like them slightly toasted. I think the dough part is a bit too doughy tasting raw, when you toast them it gives it a really nice flavor and texture.
Yup, same. But sometimes if I'm cold, and its the smores flavor I heat them up in the toaster so the chocolate and marshmellows get all warm and melty. Mm...ok great now I'm craving poptarts lol. I haven't had one in like 3 years!!
Yep....strawberry mmmmmm
Yeah, me too. I never have enough time to cook them, and they are just as tasty cold.
I usually heat them in toaster. I found heating in Microwave they are not the same . So if I don't have a toaster handy I will eat like a big frosted cookie.
That sounds good. Ive never tried it though. I will laterrr ;]
Me too, uhmmm yomy!!!
that's the only way. why heat them?
I have, but don't prefer them that way.
Yep-this is how I eat my poptarts. I rarely heat mine up.