Would you rather eat out or eat @ home?!
Answers: At home, I hardely ever eat out.
Eat at home. Its cheaper and you wont get a DUI.... or have to tip some stuck up waitress for that matter!
I rather eat at home.
i eat out at resturants alot... it costs WAYY too much
Eat at home.
out all the way
I prefer to eat at home. I love to cook, and watch her eyes twinkle when I serve her my creations.
Generally at home, I like to control what happens to my food. However when I get a craving for meals that I'm not that great at making, then going out looks much better.
At home because I love to cook.
I'd like to eat at home but I usually eat out.
HOME! yah...it is cheaper and you feel comfortable since you know your home.
Even though I love to cook, I really must admit I love to go out to nice restaurants that have great food.
Humm... I guess it depends what mood I'm in. Sometimes I don't want to cook. So eating out sounds good. But also I love to cook. So it just depends.
Home .... Then I know whats in it. And there in no surprises in it.
I'd rather eat out because
1. I'm not a good chef so anything they make is usually better than what I can whip up;
2. I don't have to do dishes;
3. I don't have to buy a bunch of produce and other products that spoil about five minutes after they go in my fridge; and
4. The dessert menus, 'nuff said.
Out ~ So much more relaxing than cooking, serving and cleaning up afterwards.
Eat out I can't cook without restaurants I would starve
Home , I cook Healthy meal's, for my family !
home, it's much healthier than eating out in terms of cleanliness
eat outside...
out at resturant
eat at home.......last night my bf and I were just sittin around, I said I would make us sumthin to eat, nothing special. Just needed dinner....so I went & put on some sexy lingerie while I was cooking & called him into the kitchen tohelp me with something.......omg, it was the best night ever :) I tortured him for a lil while tellin him I hadda get the food in the oven cuz it takes an hr, etc....things started boiling over on the stove.....so I told him to sit there & wait a few mins till I was done.....then I turned the oven down & off we went! Came outta the bedroom & dinner was done, haha.
I would rather eat at home every day but I would need a chef.
We eat out about half the time. We are old and it is almost cheaper to eat out.
I would rather eat out because of convenience, variety of foods, and pure laziness on my part. I also enjoying staying at home to eat to save money, eat healthy, and just plain knowing whats in my food!
Eat out, because they usally have more of a variety than what we have at home, lol. and it give your family a reason to sit at the dinner table together! lol :-D
Home. You know exactly what your eatting if you make it yourself and it's cheaper.