Is our sense of sight stronger than our sense of taste?!
Answers: please help!! is our sense of sight stronger than taste like are all jello flavors actually lemon with food coloring and or brain thinks red jello is strawberry or cherry??
Smell is much stronger than sight! They all work together though when associating food, however your eyes do trick you!Think of these scenarios- 1. A blind man eats strawberry jello, then eats cherry. Most likely he will tell you which is which. Now another with sight eats the same jello. Their response will be that's red jello. 2. A chef of good caliber is blind folded with 20 thing to taste, with a person that eats relatively the same things, the chef with the good pallet will name most of the things right off. The other will think of what they think is the right answer based on sight!
Lastly think of this; fill a clear cup w/ ice, soy sauce, and a little water and give it to someone. The eyes say cola, the mouth & nose says soysauce. Taste and smell work hand in hand, while sight in this case is secondary.
Eye smell and taste work together.
Ignore smell and you will not recognize ingredients.
Yes, and it's because humans have a poorly developed sense of taste. We can only taste four flavors: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Everything else we use in conjuction with smell. Imagine what it must be like to be a snake, which does have a highly developed sense of taste. Not only can it tell the temperature of the air with its tongue but also use it to sense prey.