Is this hazardous to my child's health when i wrap their lunch sandwich in alumium foil?!
I thought that was ideal, until somebody just told me that it was a health hazard because of the aluminum.
Answers: I usually wrap my child's sandwich (slice of bread and salami or ham etc) in aluminum foil. They prefer it this way because they say that the tables at school are so yucky. So they can unfold their sandwich and lay it down inbetween bites.
I thought that was ideal, until somebody just told me that it was a health hazard because of the aluminum.
well seeing how aluminum is sold as a food wrap, i'd say you are safe. now i can see how you may run into problems if you are heating things up in foil. regardless it can't be any worse than your kids drinking out of an aluminum pop can.
try using wax paper or deli paper if it makes you that uncomfortable!
you can get deli paper here they are pre-cut and perfectly sized for wrapping up a sandwich.
good luck!
I have never heard such nonsense in all my life!
Studies have linked aluminum in the blood stream with Alzheimer's disease. Aluminum is common in many substances such as deodorant. I would not worry about their intake from foil wrap, unless they are eating the foil, the possibility of ingestion is minimal. I agree with the poster above, however, if concerned, use an alternate wrap.
Aluminum occurs naturally in many foods. It's pretty unlikely that setting their sandwich down on aluminum foil is harmful to your child's health.
Now, if they finish every meal by eating the foil, that might not be good. But a kid would have to be pretty weird to do that.
There is nothing harmful about putting food on aluminum foil.
Not true. Just tell them not to do anything dangerous with it like eating it or bite on it and point out that it can be sharp.