What if I ate only milk and cookies for 1 month?!
Answers: I'd like to know what would happen if I restricted my diet to only milk and cookies for 1 month. Specifically, I was thinking 2% pasteurized milk and Oreos. I'm particularly interested in the effects this would have on my health. Although I am certain it would be delicious to eat only milk and cookies, I am concerned that it might be detrimental to my physical well-being.
It would be bad for your body,b/c no grain and fruits and vegtables.meat and alternatives..what have you learned in health class?XD
well.oreos is like sugar.So tecnically,milk is the only healthy food that you would be putting in your mouth.And if thats all your going to eat for a month.You are going to need atleast 30 packages fo oreos to keep you from being hungry
Watch Super Size Me, about 7/16 of the results
u would definetely get stomach aches and feel sick..not healthy cuz only nutrients in the milk..fattening
dont try it unless you want to ruin your life and weigh 250 pounds
not a good ideal,try just cutting back..
your health will decline alot it would be like that movie super size me
Too much milk will cause your triglycerides to shoot sky high and that can make you a heart attack candidate.
yeah not too good for ur health. u need ur fruits and vegis! dont do it. its very bad for ur health and ud probably gain a few pounds.....
ask Santa Clause
You would hate cookies after the month.
You would be malnutrioned and you would get sick.
I don't think you'll gain much wieght if that's all you eat cause after two weeks you wouldn't be able to even look at cookies and milk.