How many days past the milk's expiration date are you willing to go?!
Answers: Definitely depends on the temperature it is kept at. If your fridge was kept really cold the entire time you had the milk, it can go for 7-10 days past the expiration date. It's really easy to tell when milk is sour by smell and if you're not sure than by a quick sip. But the colder it stays the longer it keeps!
I don't know. I do the shake, sniff, pour test at home. Shake it, sniff it (if it's bad, toss), pour it (if there are chunks, definitely bad). At work I went by the dates to be safe.
not past the chunky stage of it...maybe as far as two days so long as it doesn't smell like cottage cheese.
I smell it then take a cautious sip and hope for the best
I can usualy go a week safely without any problems as long as i keep it real cold.
2-3 days, tops, but if it's bad, I toss it. Sometimes it goes bad before the expiration date.
depends on the temp it is stored at. i work on ocean tug boats and have kept milk near freezing and it was fine a month after the exp. date
the smell and taste test helps. however, since it is the fat in the milk that goes bad first, i've used non-fat (skim) milk 3 weeks after the expiration date. my girlfriend uses 1% and she's use the milk 10 days after the expiration date. i don't use whole milk, but i'd guess it would be a few days after the expiration date, but smell and taste to be sure.
Yeah I do the sniff test. If it still smells OK, then i try it. If it still tastes OK, then I'm fine.
I think I once ate some milk w/ cereal that was about 6 days past the date. Tasted fine to me.
I am willing to go about a day past, then toss it.