Eating meat is not animal cruelty?!

Question: Eating meat is not ANIMAL cruely. theres something called the circle of life and it involves omnivores carnivores and herbivores humans unfortunetly fall under OMNIVORES. meaning are digestive track was made for both and this circle of life will always stay the same animals eat animals and you cant stop it. i hate people that say when a animal eats another animal thats cruel and we should stop it.. if you stop it youll mess the whole food chain up.

back to eating my beef stew

Answers: Eating meat is not ANIMAL cruely. theres something called the circle of life and it involves omnivores carnivores and herbivores humans unfortunetly fall under OMNIVORES. meaning are digestive track was made for both and this circle of life will always stay the same animals eat animals and you cant stop it. i hate people that say when a animal eats another animal thats cruel and we should stop it.. if you stop it youll mess the whole food chain up.

back to eating my beef stew

Most vegetarians and vegans have no problem whatsoever with animals eating other animals. That is nature. Animals are hard-wired to hunt, kill and eat. It's needed for their survival.

Human beings have a choice and that is where many people believe that cruelty comes into play. The way that the animals are treated on the farms, the way they are treated on their way to slaughter and the terrible way they are treated during the slaughtering process IS animal cruelty, my friend. You cannot separate the consumption of this (so-called) food source from the process it takes to get to your plate. Period.

As far as the circle of life and the food chain is concerned, it's "deja-moo" to me...I've heard this bull before. Animals in the food chain (or animals in the cycle of life) are either predators, prey or both. Last time I checked, humans were not involved in this *natural* co-existance....when's the last time you saw a human being attack a cow, dig his nails into it, then start ripping it's flesh off with his "canines"? That's what I thought. I'm guessing you won't see that any time in the near future either. Our "canines" pale in comparison to those of a lion or tiger. THEY are made to eat meat, not us.

If humans ceased to eat meat, that would not mess up the food chain. As a matter of fact, it might help repair it...look at the state of the oceans. The predator/prey ratios are SO out of whack because man has over-fished certain species and the ecosystem is in a state of disarray.
Again...most vegetarians and vegans have no problem with animals eating other animals. It's the ignorant humans who are mean and selfish who we have the issues with.

I agree. Some companies only sell meat from animals that died from natural causes.

You ought to do more research. Humans are much closer to herbivores than omnivores. We are the only animal that has to cook its meat in order to eat it. That would seem to be a pretty big hint that we aren't "meant" to eat it.

What exactly is your question anyway?

<<<<<grabbing my two points and running

but I do agree with the circle of life...and find myself more and more losing my patience with these right winged vegetarians, vegans and what not! Your choices are just that, yours. Not mine...
And if you don't know how to eat properly without eating meat...get a hamburger. (shrug)

Have you ever looked at a vegetarian? almost all of them look sickly. There are rip and tearing teeth as well as molars for grinding in most people's mouths.

You should put this in the vegetarian and vegan section. See what they say.

I agree with you.. I love meat! I could never ever go vegetarian. EVER

we are meant to eat meat! We used to eat raw meat until the cave man discovered fire. They learned that it was tastier to eat it cooked. So we got used to that over time through evolution. Our stomach can't handle raw meat anymore... but that doesn't mean we are not meant to eat it. Meat is our number one source of protien. and it tastes freaking good. So go away all you tree huggers. if you want to eat salad the rest of your lives go ahead... i'm going to eat my meat.

That's right, we are truly closer to herbivores, we cook our food, we don't drool at the thought of attacking and tearing apart an animal for blood and flesh and we definitely don't have the canines to support a diet of chomping through bones...
however- as far as "cruelty" goes, vegans believe that using/killing an animal for food, clothing or entertainment is cruelty because we don't have to right to make anyone or anything do anything they don't choose to.
Ethically, if we say that it is okay to kill/abuse/use an animal because humans are smarter, more evolved, or because we have"the right to," then why isn't it okay to do away with severely mentally challenged human beings that aren't helping with the progression of our species?
The belief is really that eating meat is cruelty because the meat eating human has interfered with the life of another living being for the purpose of pleasure. If given the choice I doubt any animal would choose to die for your tastebuds!

i HATE when people are like "why would you eat a poor little animal??" and i say "why would you eat that poor little carrot?"
don't get me wrong, i love animals, but honestly...

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