Keyboard troubles?!
Answers: I dropped a piece of spagetti in between the keys of my keyboard about 5 hours ago, and now I really want it. I try to reach for it with my fingers but it just jams keys like this: huj. I don't know what to do, because I am alone in my house, but I need that piece of pasta! I WANT YOU DAMN SPAGETTI NOODLE!
This isn't one of those gay jokes where the noodle turns out to be your penis, is it?
Use a paperclip to try and dig it out. Hope it tastes yummy with all the junk it picks up in, you must really be hungry...get a pin or a paper clip and lift the bugger out. Be sure to blow off the key dust first though.
hahaha..thats kind of strange..maybe get something really thin and put it between the a toothpick? or get some tape..but that might be too thick..good luck!
My keyboard is kool. i can take the keys off and place them back on! you should do that.
LOL that's hilarious!!! Just use tweezers. I have had that happen before.
Take something like a butter knife and pop the button off, and get the noodle. The button should just pop back on.
I dont think you would eat the spaghetti if you knew of all the germs that collect on a keyboard. Nasal hairs and nasal germs, toilet germs from people that dont wash their hands after the bathroom and god knows what is floating around in the air. Do yourself a favour and cook some more spaghetti. Forget the noodle as it will all end up in tears!
If this is inside your keyboard, then you mut open the keyboard to reach it. and if you die fighting the keyboard, then we shall meet in Valhalla!