Why do most skinny people like salad?!
Answers: salad? eww...pizza? yum.
Easy answer - low calories! However lots of people like salad.
They want to stay fit and i guess they like it lol
All kinds of people like salad.
Even fat people who like their salads with ham, cheese and bacon swimming in ranch dressing. I think its called a chef salad.
Also, i'm pretty sure skinny people like pizza too.
They usually don't, they just want to remain skinny. Crazy, eh? o.O;
I'm skinny and I don't like salad that much.
Unless there's ranch, bacon bits, eggs, or a bunch of other fattening junkk .. :D
I've always loved salad and fruit it's just what I like makes me feel good after
there way of staying skinny but i know a lot of bigger people that like salad just as much.
Salad can be really good depending what you put on it, add some fresh cucumbers and tomato and some onion add a great dressing and some cheese and yum!
Most skinny people like pizza but they cannot afford it.
i love salad and im not super skinny....im a bit heavy
No that's all wrong woman.. people who eat a lot of salad get skinny because it is low in calories, so they don't get fat.
Pizza is loaded with fat and salt and cholesterol and it is a very fast route to heart disease, obesity and an early death. And before you ask, burgers are just as bad. If you eat pizza or burgers more than one meal per month then you should reduce it.. there is a whole world of amazing delicious food out there, try and be a bit more adventurous.
not every skinny person likes salad and not every fat person doesnt eat it
ive heard im skinny im 5'5" and weigh like 97, w/e i eat pizza all the time (i have high metabolism)
Only rabbits realy like salads. Skinny people just say they like salads to comfound us fat people. Kinda like how black continue to eat chitlins just to confound white people.
To Aden Sickle, I am black do not eat chitlin's (chitterlings) and I do not like salads.
hate salads
im not skinny and i like salds just be cuz onn da chicken in it and ranch! o laala lolz!