Ok, here is an age old question and I am sure the answers will be split down the middle, but, here goes.?!
Answers: cold, left over pizza for breakfast? I love it. any other takers?
cold pizza is the best. It was the best back in the 60's when I partied and its the best now after a hot night of watching tv and snoring!!
yum! better than the night before when it was hot.
thats gross!!!!!!!
No, I have to heat it.
it's pretty good....= D
MY son likes cold for breakfast, but not me
Depends cold pizza with milk, Hot pizza with beer or coke
As a teenager, most definitly. As an adult, not so much
Oh yes. In fact, I make sure when I order that I will have leftovers for the next day. Sprinkle on a little salt and eat it with a nice glass of cold millk! I have done this forever!
Yes, but it depends on who made the pizza. Dominoes & Pizza Hut, yes. Popa John's & Gumby's, no
It's fine...I think I like it more when I just open the box, though.
Next to left over spaghetti.
it tastes better the next day for sure
i love it can i have a slice