What's the best way to get started in the bakery business?!
Answers: Right now I'm coming up with my menu but when I'm finished with it I wont have the money to start a full blown bakery shop yet. I'll have to start out of my home. Should I try to start selling at flea markets and farmers markets to get started? I live in northern CA about an hour and a half outside of San Francisco if that makes a difference at all. Any ideas or info anyone can give me would be VERY helpful! Thank you!
Yes you are on the right track. What I would also do it go around to restaurants with your menu and see if there is anything they might be interested in getting on a regular basis. I am a chef and actually trying to open a place myself. But for a baker, you can make a good amount with restaurants. Good Luck.
LOL, you knead some dough. LOL.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
bake a bulla or a rock cake or jackass corn