Does anyone know why Tesco's has stopped selling bicarbonate of soda?!
I checked on their website and found it is no longer available, yet I can get it direct from the manufacturers.
Answers: I use it a lot for culinary and other uses, but when I went to buy some the other day there was none. I was offered baking powder instead but that is NOT the same.
I checked on their website and found it is no longer available, yet I can get it direct from the manufacturers.
Tescos delete a lot of stuff from their range. Things you are used to buying for years. Ask the Manager and he says Head Ofiice have decided not to stock that item any more. I use bicarb fo cooking and for cleaning fridge etc.. Whether there is another reason or it doesn't sell enough I don't know. You will find it in small supermarkets like Budgens for example.. A recent item was cube sugar , which was removed , also by Asda.
it is used for illegal purposes
i got it yesterday from tescos
They haven't ! I bought some this week, it's round where the baking stuff is, beside the flour, look up high I think it's on the top shelf.
it can be used as a basis of an explosive, but i expect it was because not many people use it.
Your local pharmacy should have it which would be easier than sending to manufacturers.
They haven't. My Mum bought some from one of their stores yesterday evening.
I didn't think that they had, as I brought some from my local Tescos last week
I work part time in tesco and i packed 3 cases (18 packs) out on Wednesday night so no we havent stopped selling it
Because it's used to make bombs.