What does raccoon taste like?!
why are u asking?? are u going to eat it??
i threw up when i ate raccoon!!
Answers: well...TERRIBLLLEE!!
why are u asking?? are u going to eat it??
i threw up when i ate raccoon!!
Don't eat that shitttt
Like possum, only not as greasy.
I never realized until reading your question that people actually ate racoons.
Thanks for info. But I wonder if it is even legal to capture and kill them. Because we are surrounded on 3 sides by park lands, for a long time we have had wild racoons in our neighborhood living between our building and the house next door (buildings are about 12 inches apart) -- come to think of it, I haven't heard or seen them for quite a few weeks.
Either like rabbit, or asphalt and vulcanized rubber, depending on how it was killed.
i don't plan on eating it...and i never will