Pudding Skin: what is it? Do you Love it or Hate it?!
And do you love it? (I do!)
Or hate it? (the rest of my family does so I never have to share the precious disc of pudding skin!)
Answers: How does pudding skin form? Why is it different from the rest of the pudding?
And do you love it? (I do!)
Or hate it? (the rest of my family does so I never have to share the precious disc of pudding skin!)
To make more pudding skin for yourself..... remove the first skin and let another one form.
To prevent it from forming, put plastic wrap directly onto the pudding.
I don't love it or hate it......
Pudding "skin" forms as the surface dries out.
Personally, I LOVE it !! Especially on homemade-from-scratch chocolate pudding !
Not sure how it forms but I think it has a gross texture, so I always take it off.
Pudding is the Bomb! I hardly notice the skin at all...
I quite like rice pudding skin, in small amounts, mixed in with the rest of the pudding. It forms because the top layer of the pudding dries out more and browns, "sealing" the pudding underneath.
Skin on hot milk, coffee, cocoa etc. is one of the most disgusting things in the world and should be shot to death.