Do you eat chicken with or without the skin or just the skin?!
Answers: I myself eat just the skin so i can save more room for cake
I eat cake every day.....IT rocks
? lol same here ? =]
it doesnt matter how or you eat your dinner the main thing is what are you having for dessert!! =]
without the skin even though most americans like it with the skin
There was nothing I loved more than the skin from fried chicken, but I noticed that as I got older the skin would make my stomach hurt to where it would make me nauseous. Now I just take the skin off and give it my husband.
I eat mine with skin although I probably shouldn't. I like it fried too. If you want to go the healthy route remove the skin and bake it.
EVERYTHING!!!! I love chicken (Yum)
I really like the skin though.
to be honest, chicken skin is loaded with cholesterol and would eventually clog of arteries in the future, but its just so damn good especially fried XD <3 If your going to eat chicken don't eat the skin all the time, in the long run it'll be bad for you. Maybe you could invest on marinating chicken meat : )
besides chicken tenders the only chicken I eat is bonless skinless chicken breasts
i only eat the skin unless its like kentucky fried chicken
I eat it both ways, with or without the skin, either way it tastes good to me.
ALways without the skin. Less fattening of course; one exception though-if its KFC chicken extra crunchy then it stays on--its worth the extra fat :-)
I grill, roast, or bake my chicken with the skin on, but choose not to eat the skin (I give it to my boyfriend who eats it lol).
No skin....I like it but it doesn't like me!
Uh, skin is where all the nasty fat is folks! I know you love fried chicken but allow it as a treat once in a while. Space these bad things out! Then you can treat yourselves and you'll enjoy them more when you do have them. Besides, if you miss the chicken meat part, why cook it at all? You've missed the best part!
Only with the skin if its chicken wings, any other part- i take off the skin
I typically have boneless, skinless breasts whenever I fix chicken. However there are times that I crave a good piece of fried chicken so I have to eat the skin and all.
It depends what I am making. If I am making roast chicken I leave the skin so I can stuff some parts of it, for some stews I remove the skin. I don't EAT the skin though, I just remove it.