If I was the chocolate Lynx man...what part would you eat?!
Answers: It's just got to be a certain body part that you guys have and us girls dont!
all of you!
your winky, then your bum, then your arm. i would eat you all up yuuuuuummmmyyyyyy
your toblerone! grrr lol!
I wanna eat Keeley Hazell instead!!
None..you give me the creeps with that big horrible grin....well he does anyway!!!
those freaky eyes...
I would only eat your appendix - because im nice like that :).
I'd bite your balls and suck your willy. Is that what you want us to say?!
Grow up.
Your little finger, I'd keep the rest for later.
I would go from the toes up :P
I walk straight past you and buy a Curly Wurly.
Off the point, am I the only one who gets freaked out by the Lynx man's eyes?
Well, my favourite chocolate bar is Cadbury's Whole Nut....so work it out for yourself lol!
your ears first, then your eyes. i'm evil!
id eat his balls
That twig between them two little berries.