Which is healthier: distilled, mineral, or regular H2O?!
Answers: Distilled H2O.
straight h20 at 38 dregrees in a 16 oz glass
just your regular H2O
Why? Not only do mineral waters taste good - they have health giving properties (with minerals such as calcium, magnesium and sodium). However, it really doesn't matter which you drink - what matters to your health is how much you drink (at least 8 x glasses a day).
Many chemicals used in farming today seep into the ground to pollute and contaminate water: insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, growth hormones and even antibiotics.
The difference between mineral waters, spring and table waters and restaurant bottled water is as follows:
Mineral waters:
These MUST come from a single underground source and be free from dangerours bacteria and polluting chemicals. The waters can only be filtered and sterilized by ultraviolet light, and though some are naturally gassy, carbon dioxide may be added to still water to make them fizzy. Labels must also list all the mineral content.
Spring and tap waters:
These may come from a spring or out of a tap connected to your local water authority as long as they're safe to drink. The source doesn't have to identified - in fact, it may be a mixture of different waters and the label doesn't have to declare the mineral content.
Restaurant bottled water:
These may be nothing more than tap water which has been through a plumbed in filtration system to remove the taste of chlorine and some minerals. So, beware - make sure the server opens the bottle at your table.