Is Apple pie and custard the best thing ever ?!
Answers: (Yum)
Well...Hot.Rhubarb Crumble and Cornish ice cream..or...Strawberry Cheesecake with thick whipped cream....or...Devon Scones with Strawberry Jam and Cornish Clotted Cream will do nicely, thanks,(but not all at once)!!!...god,I'm so hungry NOW!!!!!!!!!!,(think I'll have a nice frothy coffee with loads of brown sugar..yummy)!.
hell yes! speshly in the winter!
Yes of course it friggin is! The zesty creamy combo blows my mind!
I prefer hot apple pie and cornish ice cream
Too true.
Yep, home made and warm custard.
*drools* =P
Just about my most favourite dessert ever.
Winter comfort food.
Apple Pie && Custard Is Well Nice
Best Pudding!
The Warm Runny Custard Poured Over The Crisp Sugar Topped Apple Pie Pastry With The Apple && Juice Flowing Out Of It!! :P
yes...I'm fixing to get started on cooking an apple pie from scratch as soon as i can pull myself away from my computer..
Definitely one of them
yeah and lava cake
coconut custard is the best
Apple pie and custard are one of the best things ever but I think Cherry pie and vanilla ice cream is better. MMMMM
well i dont think so but the guy off american pie does lol x
No but it runs a close second to Rhubarb pie and cream.
You've got me in the mood for thick hot custard now!!
My other favourite dessert but only as a treat is a good quality mint choc chip ice cream laced with lots of Baileys. Baileys ice cream is not the same.
Hot Apple Pie with Ice Cream is lovely too.
yes it is good but add a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the hot apple pie and custard .............that is amazing........try it youll never go back.........
The Apple pie is pretty good. But I've never had custard before. It sounds good. I think I'm going to try some.
refers to a dessert or dessert sauce, but custard bases are also used for quiches and other savoury foods. As a dessert, it is made from a combination of milk or cream, egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla. Sometimes flour, corn starch, or gelatin are also added. In French cookery, custard—called simply "crème" or more precisely "crème moulée"—is never thickened in this way: when starch is added, it is pastry cream crème patissière; when gelatin is added, it is crème anglaise collée. Depending on how much egg or thickener is used, custard may vary in consistency from a thin pouring sauce (crème anglaise), to a thick blancmange like that used for vanilla slice or the pastry cream used to fill éclairs.
Yes apple pie and custard is absolutely delicious and is probably the best dessert.
oohhhh yeah! But I like apple crumble with devon creamy custard better. I gotta get in the kitchen..........mmmm!