Should i eat my sandwich even though i saw a cockroach run across it?!
Answers: i had only taken one bite out of my tunafish sandwich when i saw a cockroach run across the top. is it safe to finish eating it?
actually cockroaches are cleaner than most people. they spend allot of time cleaning themselves like cats do. if something one little cockroach has on it's tiny little feet could do us in than the human race would have died out along time ago.
get real eat the sandwich and don't be such a little wimp
Make another sandwhich?
It probably isnt safe, cockroahes can carry deiseases and stuff
give it to the dog.
First you have to remeber that you do not know what germs this cockroach is carrying and you don't know where its been. I personally would throw the sandwich away but I served in the Army and was in the woods and saw a lot of things I guess it comes down to how hungry you are.
Be Safe
Eww gross! Make another sandwich.
I live in Newfoundland, so we don't have cockroaches. But I would probably say No to eating it. They are pretty gross and dirty and covered with diseases. ewwww.
altough, tuna sandwiches are stellar!!!
No!! Just make a new sandwich. You could seriously get pretty sick if you ate that!!!!!!
No that's pretty dirty. Once a filthy creature like that has touched something all the bacteria and germs it was carrying are transmitted to thee object in this case your sandwich. If you eat it then you're consuming the cockroaches germs. I'm a bit of a germophobe so yea but still that gross. It's like the 3 second rule....... It doesn't exist. So it's not good for your health if you eat that kind of bacteria.
Depends on how hungry you are. If that's the last sandwhich you will be eating in a while, I say eat it. Now if the roach just climbed over real quick it probably is 'relatively' safe, I doubt that it has had time to spread any significant bacteria. However if this sandwhich has been there for awhile, you may need to just fix another. Most doorknobs are nastier than cockroaches.
not safe..but if you do and some one sees you ....that will forever be envisioned in that persons mind. next time they see you...."that's the guy who finished his tuna sandwich after he saw Mr.cockroach take a few bites" .
Ughhhh!!! Gross!!! Throw it away!!
What do YOU think?
think of what it crawled on before it got to your sandwich.. i would throw it away and make another
I know you shouldn't eat it. If you think about it cockroaches have a lot of germs. And if you ate it the germs would go into your mouth. And humans already have a lot of germs in their mouth. So you should have thrown it away. If you ate it you better you some mouthwash.
oh so gross!!!! I certainly wouldn't! You don't where that cockroach been. Hey but if you're hungrey go right ahead, when you're broke and don't have nothing else to eat, what the heck???