How much coffee is safe to drink?!
does that have to do with coffee?
Answers: I'll drink almost a pot per day now, it used to be almost a pot per day, but twice as strong, however I feel really weird towards the end of the day.
does that have to do with coffee?
It certainly can. Try going without for a day, you'll find you feel pretty bad (that's caffeine withdrawal). Maybe it might be wise to cut back to 2 or 3 cups per day, cut down gradually, though. It can disrupt your sleep if you drink it too late in the day.
The current recommendations regarding caffeine are three cups of coffee or tea per day or less. It is recommended to gradually reduce coffee or tea drinking to three cups. An immediate switch to the same amount of decaffeinated coffee or tea will produce symptoms of caffeine withdrawal (irritability, headache and inability to work effectively, nervousness, restlessness and tiredness). If you currently drink more than three cups, cut down by one cup per day every three or four days until you are down to three cups per day. This will help reduce the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. While you are cutting down, you can replace one cup of caffeine-containing coffee for one cup of decaffeinated coffee. Sometimes, it is hard to keep track of how many cups of coffee you drink per day. Limit yourself to one cup of caffeine-containing coffee per meal. If you want more coffee, switch to decaffeinated. Also, try to avoid drinking all three caffeinated cups at the same time.