Did you order Girl Scout Cookies this year?!
Answers: If so, what kind?
yes i ordered 35.00 dollars worth and i forget all i ordered but i know most of them are samoas
I did! Peanut Butter Patties are my FAVE!
no because money is very tight right now. but when we do get to get them, i love those thin mint cookies!
always always always!!!!! Im a big supporter of Girl Scouts esp our local GS Camp. Hopefully my daughter will enjoy GS as much as I did but as long as she gives it a try then its ok by me.
Yes, Caramel deLites
I just bought some from a girl scout that came to the door. I don't even know what kind. I gave them away. I just bought to support their fundraiser.
Yeap, Caramel & Peanut Butter
from 2 girls- I was pretty much obligated. Then, going into the grocery store- I bought some more- even though I have a hugh stash at the house. My favorite is Samoas!!!!! They're the best! Thin Mints are ok. Tagalongs are my giveaways.
yes probably every kind. i love them
Yes I bought some. In Canada in the Fall they are Chocolate Mint and in the Spring they will be Chocolate and Vanilla.
no! it's a tragedy! I don't live in the States any more so had better get on the phone to relatives to make sure they buy me a few boxes!!!
i'm a fan of the samoas - definately the best!