Popcorn or chips?!
Answers: Popcorn is healthier but Chips OWN popcorn!
CHIPS! lol
Popcorn over chips, but only if it has that flavour powder on it ;D (most preferably white cheddar)
i like both but it depends on what I am doing to either eat popcorn or chips. usually during movies, I would have popcorn and usually during something for a short time, i will eat chips.
lol depends...
what kind of chips and is there flavour on the popcorn?
but all in all
popcorn is better for you but chips are better tasteing
I love both, but my fav is popcorn. I eat it every night. I always add flavors like butter, garlic powder, chili powder, or hot sauce.
CHIPS !!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Both for pity sake!!
they don't call me Popcorn because i POP corn!!lol
so ya POPCORN!!!!!..."what?"
extra butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
POPCORN, good source of fiber, :)
Chips with salt & vinegar
chips all the way :DD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prefer chips cause they have more chips in whole bag and you can eat them with anything. .popcorn are have alot too much greases and oils.