The cannibals next door are having a BBQ but it doesnt smell right, should i call the cops ?!
Answers: Check and make sure a member of your family isn't missing first
No, just tell them not to eat it, it may have gone off, the last thing you want is them puking over the fence into your garden !
maybe they are real cannibals!!! get the cops... quick!!!
If it smells funny the are probably eating comedians or clowns
No live and let live I say
The cannibal dinner smells funny?
They may be eating a clown.
I think you mean "and" it doesn't smell right.
hey be patient...are they doing it everyday? if not, then let them enjoy their feast...maybe you werent invited thats why youre fuming mad?
No just ring the fire brigade to come and spoil their fun!
There's ALWAYS one to p!ss on your bonfire....!