Why do some people hate foods that are sooo good?!
Answers: Like Bleu Cheese Salad Dressing or Black Olives. And I met one person who hated CHOCOLATE?? come on are you serious?
It's ALL a matter of "Tastes..." And since so many of US are so Different, maybe it should be even MORE surprising- that so MANY of us like the SAME things (LIKE Chocolate) ! :)
people have diferent tastes buds, everyone is different. I love chocolate with caramel in it and never tryred blue cheese before..?
I think it's because their tongue doesn't work ;)
Yeah, it's a mystery. I like almost everything but as I've gotten older, I have gotten a little pickier.
I knew a woman once who didn't hate chocolate but didn't really like it either. My vegetarian husband drives me nuts because he won't eat eggplant and I have relatives who don't drive coffee. How can you live without coffee? But I think it's hereditary because their father didn't like it either.
I know a girl that hates chocolate. I personally hate bacon, ham and sausage and everyone thinks I'm weird but they actually make me sick because of the chemicals they cure those meats with. My boyfriend hates mac and cheese which is one of my favorites!!!!
Oh and I LOVE bleu cheese dressing and black olives =D
And chocolate.
because everybody has
different taste buds
everything that is good to you is not good to everyone else, people have different taste, food, clothes, hair styles, shoes etc. i really love chocolate i wish i didn't love it so much, i could probably lose some weight if they would just stop making it. i dislike blue cheese salad dressing it is so yucky to me. ranch is better. see everybody is different.
Everyone has grown up with different kinds of foods being served. They may turn there nose up to something that is really good just because they do not like the way it looks. They may also have an allergy to foods and not want to have to explain their health issues to you it may seem easier to say I do not like that. Who know everyone has a different set of taste buds in their mouth the differences in us makes the world go around!
I know one person who actually didn't like anything too flavorful he preferred bland tasting food. And then my great uncle would eat everything with ketchup. Weird.
Because they're nuts! Haha, no it's because we all have different responses to different flavors.
Yeah . . . what's weirder is that there are some people who, strangely enough, won't eat caviar or fresh calves liver or sushi, but they will eat at McDonalds or Taco Bell or Olive Garden. Yech! Very strange. To each his/her own, I guess.
I hate bleu cheese salad dressing. I like Black olives and I love chocolate so much, I eat it unsweetened.
Much of our tastes or ideas about tastes are from when we are little kids and our tastes change over the years. So every once in a while I taste a tiny bit of bleu cheese dressing just to make sure I still hate it (but honestly I'm trying to cultivate my palate towards things with a lower calorie count.)
If every one like the same things, think of all the foods you would have never tasted. Alot of foods came around because some one either did not care for it that way or thought it needed something else added to it. I have meet some very picky eaters, but I have meet some that would go wild on adding things to others. Different bits for different likes.
Everyone is different and so is their tastebuds, you think they are strange because they don't like the things that you like, but they probably think you are strange for the things that you like lol
It's down to personal taste but that blue cheese, I wouldn't touch that with a barge pole, if it looks moldy and off then it's in the bin.
I love just about everything, except the really outrageous things, like frog legs, any kind of raw fish, and I must say, brussesls sprouts.
I also cannot fathom eathing chocolate covered ants, any kind of snake, or alligator, or squirrel.
Never met anyone who hated chocolate, or blue cheese salad dressing or black olives....love all of those!!!!
because maybe they never tasted it before but there losers their missing good tatse out of it