Help need green eggs and ham easy cake recepie?!
i really dont want t make a ham since the kids are bet 2 and 3 years old......
Answers: for Dr. zeus birthday my daughter is having a party and i would like to make a green eggs and ham cake ca you please help me with a good site with pictures .
i really dont want t make a ham since the kids are bet 2 and 3 years old......
Here are a couple ideas:
make lime jello in egg shaped molds & purchase some deli ham
Buy white cake mix and add green food coloring. Use store-bought white whipped icing to frost the cake. If you can get your hands on figurines (check your local bookstore, like Barnes & Noble), great! If not, see if you can find a small fox and/or train (things in the book) to decorate the cake with. If nothing else, maybe top the cake with wording, saying "3 I Am!"
Other party idea: have a "Green Eggs Hunt." With Easter just around the corner, stores all over sell plastic eggs. Have an egg hunt and put candy in each egg. The kids who find green eggs get a prize, and the kid with the most green eggs gets a Dr. Seuss book...something like that.
Just a few ideas. Good luck with this one! Tough party theme. want to make green eggs & ham, or a cake?
Why not both? Make scrambled eggs with diced ham for dinner. Add a drop or two of blue food coloring to the eggs and you've got green eggs. (no, the ham isn't supposed to be green - that'd be rather gross.) I remember doing this in nursery school. You don't need a whole ham, either. Last time I was in the store they had these little pre-cooked chunks of ham that you could use for salads, soups or sandwiches. Just dice that up and toss it into the green eggs before cooking. Heck, you could even use lunch meat.
For the cake, you could either make a standard 2 layer cake, frost the top with white frosting (to illustrate a plate) then use those tubes of frosting to draw a picture of green eggs and a piece of ham. Use green for the egg yolk, and pink for the ham. Doesn't have to be perfect - that's part of the fun. Alternatively, make cupcakes, and decorate the tops to look like piece of ham, or a green sunny-side up egg (like in the book) Again, your artistry doesn't have to be perfect...
For pictures, try searching google images for "green eggs ham dr. seuss" You'll probably end up with pictures from other peoples' parties which could also help with ideas.