Fruit & Veg - Why Do Kids Find Them So Disgusting?!
Personally, i think they are the best tasting things around!!
Can you help me with this - i can't get my head around this!!
Answers: Is it cool to not like fruit and veg??
Personally, i think they are the best tasting things around!!
Can you help me with this - i can't get my head around this!!
because children have thousands more tastebuds than adults do.
as w get older we eat hot things that an effect the "strength" of or tastebud therefore as we get older we have less taste buds and begin to like things like veggies more than we did when we were a kid. we burn taste buds and things like that.
its fine to like fruits and veg. eat them! theyre heathy!
My 2 year old loves them!
hello? THEY'RE GREEN! EW who wants green squishy stuff on their plate ?
My kids like both, but I played dirty when they were young.
I would cut up fresh fruits and veggies and put them in covered dishes in the fridge and tell the kids they could not get into them. As soon as I was out of the room, kids being kids, they got into the fruits and veggies andthought they were getting away with something.
Most parents try and get their kids to eat their fruits and veggies by telling them that fruits and veggies are good for them. Kids minds being what they are, that sets it up in the kids mind that if its good for you it can't be good.
Personally, I think it is because they are given too many other sweet and fatty choices. Let's see, apple slices or french fries? Cola or juice? I wonder at McDonald's how many children actually choose the healthy items.