Do you think the food now makes children grow way to fast?!
what is your opinion?
Answers: They are growing up way t fast on the outside and i think all the chemicals in food and drink are the cause.
what is your opinion?
I couldn't agree with you more. I think it is the growth hormones used by some countries on their beef cattle? I believe that America does that? It is passed on through the meat we eat. Why do scientists think cows need them? They also give animals anti-biotics which would appear to make us resistant to them. Personally, I don't think they should and that the scientists are asses, but there you are. Let's give their kids the growth hormones they make us eat and see how they like it when their kids get all kinds of health problems. Maybe that would do it? What do you think? They can also take the damned chlorine out of the water supplies as I have a sneaking feeling that our bodies don't handle bleach too well? Just a guess?!!
do you mean grow way too fat? Yes I do.
Yes, There bodies but not there brains
Dont think its food that is causing the problem. I Think its our society - for example.......... selling make up kits FOR A 5 YEAR OLD !!!!!!!!!!! crazy
i think there is a connection between the size of the kids and food they eat.
it is obvious, like in the past kids were smaller in size then now... ( as far as i notice )
Yes, They should let things/food/animals grow naturally, and not add everything under the sun in it, including hormones.
Well they pump a bunch of hormones and chemicals into animals (like cows) to accelerate their growth super fast just to make a few more bucks (or to save a couple on feed, etc) so that's just all through them. So when we eat them, we are eating what they are full off. A vegetarian diet is the way to go, or at least stay away from fast good and eat all your meats and dairy organic!
I do agree with what you mean. I was just saying about how the antibotics in chicken(as well as other growth hormones used) are causing early development in children.
As well as other types of meat and dairy
the growth hormones in our food is linked to our country's obesity problem.
its deffinatley something i have a shoe shop and kids feet are huge !!!!!
I think portion sizes have changed over the years everybody eats too much i bet it wasn't such a problem when everybody had to live on rations!
Yes,I believe its the steroids and growth hormones that they put in the animals and in milk.This is why I am a vegan
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