Do you think food LIKES being eaten or would it prefer to rot?!
Fruits, for example, actually HAVE made their intentions clear: they wish to be eaten. Why is that? It's a simple matter of being "fruitful" and multiplying.
Let's assume we're out in the middle of Nature, where there are wild-growing fruits, as well as critters that eat the fruits. Along comes a bird (or a squirrel, or a bear, whatever) and consumes a few berries off a tree. Use your imagination: what's that animal going to do in a few hours, after the berries have digested? He's going to poop, that's what. And in doing so, the animal has involuntarily spread the seeds of that tree, some distance away from the original tree. The farther an animal travels, the more widespread a particular tree can become.
Answers: In all seriousness: if food actually cared, one way or the other, it would probably prefer to be eaten, rather than to simply decay and rot.
Fruits, for example, actually HAVE made their intentions clear: they wish to be eaten. Why is that? It's a simple matter of being "fruitful" and multiplying.
Let's assume we're out in the middle of Nature, where there are wild-growing fruits, as well as critters that eat the fruits. Along comes a bird (or a squirrel, or a bear, whatever) and consumes a few berries off a tree. Use your imagination: what's that animal going to do in a few hours, after the berries have digested? He's going to poop, that's what. And in doing so, the animal has involuntarily spread the seeds of that tree, some distance away from the original tree. The farther an animal travels, the more widespread a particular tree can become.
Yes food likes to be eaten because it feels like it's fulfilling it's purpose.
But wtf.
Are we feeling existential today?
Food definitely prefers to be eaten. Think of it like this: if you had the choice to be eaten and die or sit someplace cold and slowly rot to death, which would you take? I would be eaten, surely.
are you bored with nothing else better to do with your time than ask silly questions?
i think it likes to be eaten because after its death it is reincarnated as poo! so its not all bad for the food!
When it rots it IS being eaten, just more slowly and a little bit at a time, by bugs and microbes.
food wants tobe eaten...its just scared of digestion!
The truthful and non-silly answer to this would be neither, simply because most of the foods we eat have no brain, and therefor cannot think. Unless, of course, the food you are eating is alive and does in fact have a brain (i.e. animals, humans) -- in which case I would assume what ever it is you are eating would not like it at all.
I think it likes being eaten. Food likes to make people happy and food is what makes people happy. If we didn't eat it, food would just get all moldy and old, and no one like being moldy and old.
Like to be eat
Coz its their function to be eaten so i suppose it like it that way